Recently Facebook has announced the launch of redesigned homepage/News Feed, which is clutter free, vibrant, and will bring a new life to your news feed. The new design features specialized feeds (All Friends, Music, and Photos), larger images, choice of feeds and consistent mobile design, a new black sidebar to navigate different parts of Facebook and your notifications will now appear in the top-right corner of the site.



Do you have the new Facebook news feed on your account? Chances are less. You can enter into the waiting list by going to this page and clicking the “Join waiting list” button. However, it is unclear when you will get the update, but you do not need to wait for the new Facebook News Feed. Here is how to get it now.

If you are interested, you can get the new Facebook home page with the awesome black sidebar on the left with a chrome extension called Facebook new news feed. This is an unofficial recreation of the new News Feed, and it is almost the same what Facebook offers.


To install this extension, go to this Chrome web Store and click the blue “Add to Chrome” button. After installing the add-on, log in to your Facebook account.

Go the Facebook page tab and refresh it. You can see the new awesome Facebook home page with the black sidebar on the left.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.


  1. This post and information is awesome. I really like the new Facebook home page as it looks awesome. I’d like to appearance extra articles similar to this . Thanks!

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