Recently, Google released a preview version of Android O for supported devices with new features. Since then, developer communities are busy porting Android O features for older Android versions. For example, Android O’s revamped Pixel launcher has been ported to work on any phone runs Android Marshmallow and up. You can install the launcher without root access and experience the sleek Pixel launcher on your phone.

If you are interested, read on to know how to get Android O Pixel launcher on any Android phone (Marshmallow and up). Note that the Pixel launcher in Android O does not have much change from Android Nougat Pixel launcher. The only noticeable change in this update is that now you can swipe up from anywhere on the home screen to open the app drawer.



Note: Ported Android O Pixel launcher can be installed without root access, but rooted users will get the integrated Google Now function by making the launcher system app.

To install Android O Pixel launcher, you should first remove any old Pixel launcher installed on your phone. After removing the launcher, just install the new Pixel launcher APK and make it default home launcher.

How to get Android O Pixel Launcher on any Phone

1. Download ported Android O Pixel launcher from here (source) and save it on your phone.

2. Enable ‘Unknown Sources’ options in Settings menu, under ‘Security’ options.

3. Tap on the Android O Pixel launcher apk to install it. Then go to settings > home app, choose Pixel launcher and reboot your phone.

Rooted users who want to make the Pixel Launcher as system app, use app like Link2SD. Open the Link2SD app, long press on the Pixel launcher, select ‘Convert to System App’ and then reboot your phone.

Note that, Pixel Launcher may crash and p forcefully exits the first few times. This is normal. Try few times and it should work. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.