PIE Control is a branded feature of Paranoid custom ROM that looks cool on phone and has some enticing features too. Here is how to enable PIE like navigation feature on Samsung Galaxy Grand with a free app called LMT Launcher. With this app, you can bring system-wide Pie Control on SGG.



Though LMT Launcher supports a wide-range of Android devices, Samsung Galaxy Grand isn’t listed yet, however you can install it on SGG by selecting not known device yet option.

Installation of LMT Launcher (Required root permission)

– Download the latest LMT Launcher apk from XDA (download link below) and copy it to your device.

– Install the apk (your device must be rooted), and grant Superuser permission.

– Go to Set gesture input and then select not known device yet.

– Select start/stop service once to start the feature.

– Finally, go to Set touchscreenmode and select Pie.

The below video will give you a clear idea on how to setup LMT Launcher on Galaxy Grand.

You can get more information and feature list of LMT Launcher from this XDA forum thread.


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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.