One of the new tools available on Android 6.0 Marshmallow is the System UI Tuner that lets you edit settings on your phone, which usually requires root access. With System UI Tuner, you can rearrange quick settings toggle, show/hide items on the status bar, enable embedded battery percentage in the battery indicator, etc.

If you have upgraded your phone to Android 6.0 Marshmallow, here is how to enable and use System UI Tuner on your phone. If you have flashed Marshmallow onto your mobile, you will have to first activate the System UI Tuner to use it. Read on to know how it is.



How to Activate System UI Tuner on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

1. Pull down the Quick Settings menu (fully open it). Press and hold the Settings cog in the top right corner for around 5 – 8 seconds and release.

2. Once you have released it, you should see a popup telling you that System UI Tuner has been added to your settings. If not, repeat the above process until you get the System UI Tuner enabled.


3. Now, go to your Settings and you will see an option for ‘System UI Tuner’ under ‘About Phone’.

How to use System UI Tuner on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

1. To show battery percentage in the battery indicator, go to Settings, scroll down to System UI Tuner. Enable the option ‘Show embedded battery percentage’ by just pushing the slider.

2. To rearrange quick settings toggle, tap on Quick Settings, then tap and hold on an icon. You should see a delete bin that you can drag icons into.

3. To show/hide items on the status bar, tap on the Status bar option in your System UI Tuner menu. From here, you can remove all the options you do not want to appear in your status bar.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.