Some times it may be necessary to save an important email message as a PDF file or Word document for future reference.

Here is a simple tutorial on how to save Gmail into a PDF file or Microsoft Word document without using any software.


1. Log in your Gmail account and click on the setting tab (top right corner) and click  the Lab.

2. Select ‘Create a Document’ and enable this (see screenshot)Gmail-to-pdf1

3. Now a new ‘Create a document” feature has been enabled and you can see it in the right side of your

4. Now open a Gmail message that you wan to save as PDF or Word document.

5. Then click ‘Create a document’ which will open your Google doc. If want, you can edit your document now. Then save and close your message.

6. Then select your newly saved document and click ‘More actions’ (see screen shot). Then select ‘Export’.Gmail-topdf3

7. Now select an option from the dropdown menu (see screenshot) – PDF, Word document, Open Office, etc. and click ‘Download’ button to save it on your computer.Gmail-to-pdf4

The whole steps requires a few time only. Hope this tutorial will help you save your important email messages as PDF or Word document into your computer.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. I think the feature isn’t available now. However, you can use print feature to save your email as pdf document?

  2. When pictures are within the gmail body, it will not be included.
    I have a table with pictures and text.
    The table is there, but no pictures.
    ??? How to get a copy of this kind of messages????

  3. Is there a way to have the attachments to the e-mail included in the conversion to .pdf, as MS Outlook does, other than manually having to save the attachments and then using “insert pages” in in the .pdf’ed e-mail?

  4. Ok, I have gone through this and this tutorial, although well structured, is useless to me. Here is what I found:

    Go here:

    Enable “Create a Document”

    Go way down all the way to the bottom and click “Save Changes.”

    Wait a good while for the change.

    Realize that it doesn’t work (at least on my end).


  5. can you not save emails that are not from google e.g. emails that you receive or send to hotmail. help would be grateful

  6. I am trying to save an email with attachments, but when I go through the above process, the attachments are discarded. I’ve tried to save to all types of file formats available. Did anyone have any luck with this?

  7. Help. All goes well until I enable “Create a document” and save it. When I open gmail message, nothing appears on screen to right of “reply” box, I have reindicated “Create a document” 2 or 3 times and have closed and reopened gmail, but option still doesn’t appear. What to do?

  8. I am having trouble….I see the ‘spring’ icon and when I click on it the options I have are mail settings and mail help……can you please explain a little more. I am obviously new to gmail! THANKS

  9. Hi,
    I was not able to do this until I read JK’s response. Thank you. But what does not transfer to either a word doc or PDF are the details: subject, who sent to who and when? It appears to be easier to copy and paste to a word doc. with all the details. Unless I’m missing a step?

  10. Hi, thanks for the comment. Because of Gmail’s new interface, there are slight changes. Now there is now Setting tab, instead it is Option. Just click ‘round spring’ icon (shown right side of your profile name) and choose Lab option. That’s all.

  11. You say the first step to save an important email message as a PDF file is to click the “Settings” tab tab at the upper right hand corner after logging into gmail. Fine and dandy, but there is NO “SETTINGS” TAB in the upper right hand corner. This is bogas because there IS NO SETTING TAB in the upper right corner. Get it together guys !!! RD Sent: Tue Sept 13, 2011 17:17:17

  12. This definately does not work. I have an email with a table and as soon as I create the document, I lose all formating on the table!

  13. this was exactly what i was looking for and so very helpful – just a note – i did not get the ‘create a document’ feature under ‘print all’ as you suggested, i had to open a new window first. THANKS

  14. Yes, very nice information. This will help me to save my mail in word format. I use this tip and delete all important mail from gmail account.

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