Oppo has announced ColorOS 12 update based on the Android 12. The update will come to eligible phones right after Google releases the stable version of Android 12, probably later this month, September. Oppo has also unveiled nine new beautiful wallpapers for ColorOS 12, which you can download in high resolution for your phone right now.

With Android 12 native features, ColorOS 12 will bring significant user interface changes to Oppo phones. New widgets and customization options, overhauled notification bar, better security and privacy, smoother interface, updated settings app, and more will be other features of the update.

ColorOS 12

Optimized background process, better RAM management, and improved touch response, ColorOS 12 will reduce the apps’ start-up time, enhance the gaming experience, and improves overall system performance.

Oppo will release the ColorOS 12 update later this month. Many Oppo phones will get the Android 12 update. As of now, there is no official information by the company on which phones will get the update. As per the past few year’s update history, all the latest models, from top-end to budget phones, will get the update.

Download Oppo ColorOS 12 Wallpapers

Oppo ColorOS 12 wallpaper preview

You can download the Oppo ColorOS 12 wallpapers from the link below. The wallpaper zip file contains nine wallpapers in high resolution, which you can use any of your phone.

Download ColorOS 12 wallpapers

After downloading the wallpaper to your device, unzip it using a file explorer app. If you are looking for other devices wallpapers, check our wallpaper download section.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for Techtrickz.com. She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.