Realme has announced ColorOS 7 and Android 10 updates for its smartphones. The first ColorOS 7 stable update will hit various realme smartphones from January 2020 onwards. The good news is that Realme X2 Pro ColorOS 7 Beta recruitment starts from November 27, while Realme XT runs on ColorOS 6.7 beta will get ColorOS 7 updates by November end.

Realme, a sub-brand of Oppo, but manages separately, uses Oppo’s ColorOS on its devices. Realme uses a modified version of ColorOS, and the new UI from realme will enhance user experience with interesting customizations, and it will be closer to stock-Android features.

realme coloros 7 update schedule
realme coloros 7 update schedule

To join in the Realme X2 Pro ColorOS 7 Beta test, go to this page and fill up the application form (the application form will open on November 27). The application deadline is December 3, 2019, and the ColorOS 7 beta test will start on December 18, 2019.

Realme ColorOS 7 (Android 10) update schedule

Realme XT and Realme 3 Pro are the first two devices scheduled to get the ColorOS 7 stable update. Both devices will get the update in January 2020. As said above, ColorOS 7 is based on Android 10 and brings a near-stock experience.

Realme X and Realme 5 Pro will get ColorOS 7 update in February 2020, while the new Realme X2 Pro is scheduled to get the update in March 2020.

Realme 3 and 3i will get the Android 10 based ColorOS 7 update in April, while Realme 2 Pro will get it in June 2020. Realme C2 owners can expect the update in Q3, 2020. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.