Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro has a 64MP quad-camera array that claims to capture twice the number of pixels of 8K resolution for crystal clear photos. However, experience shows that the Google camera port produces even good photos on Redmi Note 8 Pro. The good news is that Google camera version 6.1 (GCam_6.1) is now available for the device.

You can download Google Camera 6.1 APK (GCam_6.1) for Redmi Note 8 Pro from the below link. Though older version, GCam 6.1 features Night Sight mode, HDR+, Lens Blur, Panorama, Portrait, Photo-Sphere, Photo Booth, and Slow Motion. The current version of Google Camera 7.2 port only supports Android 10 and Snapdragon devices. Redmi Note 8 Pro is a MediaTek device.

Redmi Note 8 Pro

Google Camera 6.1 stable version (MGC_6.1.021_Rn8ProEdition_1.0) and testing version for Redmi Note 8 Pro is available for download. You can download and install the GCam APK on your device without any special requirements.

How to install GCam 6.1 APK on Redmi Note 8 Pro

  1. Download MGC_6.1.021_Rn8ProEdition_1.0 APK to your Redmi Note 8 Pro (source)
  2. Open your file browser and install the APK (first time users need to enable Unknown sources option)
  3. Start using your new camera app.

To get the best performance from your Google camera, you need to make a few changes in the camera settings. For this purpose, use Wyroczen’s config file (download wyroczen_rn8pro_3.xml file from source).

To use it, create a folder named GCam on your phone and inside it create folder named Configs. Save the wyroczen_rn8pro_3.xml file inside it.

Now, open the Google Camera app and tap on the image preview window. A window will pop up with a restore option. Tap on restore to restore the configurations.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.