Google has launched a new app on Play store called ‘Spotlight Stories’ – an app that Motorola Moto X users have already been familiar with. In Moto X, the app is called ‘Spotlight Player’, which delivers interactive animated short stories on the device. It is cool and fun, but only compatible with Moto X. However, now with Google Spotlight Stories, other Android phone users can also enjoy the same interactive contents on their device.

For your information, Motorola ATAP engineers developed the Spotlight Player for Moto X. Now Google owns ATAP and the team just published a new Spotlight Stories app to the Play Store aimed to bring it to more compatible Android phones. Currently Google Spotlight Stories supports only select devices, but will add more devices in the future.



Google Spotlight Stories has not any noticeable change from the original Motorola version of the app, though the interface looks little polished. Below is the full description of the app:

“Immerse yourself in a world of storytelling made just for mobile. Engineers and critically-acclaimed filmmakers are bringing stories to life using the latest advances in mobile technology. Using 3D and 2D animation, 360° spherical cinema-quality video, full-sphere surround sound and sensor fusion techniques, the screen is now a window into a story that unfolds all around you. Look anywhere, follow individual characters, watch it over again and again. It’s a little different each time. Google Spotlight Stories is your mobile movie theatre.”

Though the app is a free download on Play store, it offers in-app purchases, which means you will need to pay for new stories sometime soon. Interested users can install the app from Play store [HERE]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.