Cameras on Google Pixel smartphone are excellent and features like smart burst, zero shutter lag and other pro-controls helps you capture crisp and clear photos with ease. A new feature of Pixel’s camera software is ‘Zero shutter lag’ in HDR+ Auto shooting mode. When you press the shutter button in HDR+ Auto mode, it instantly captures the image. You will not notice the 1-2 seconds lag as before.

Here is how to get Pixel’s ‘zero shutter lag’ camera feature on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P without root access. Thanks to the developer Charles Chow, the Camera NX V4 mod brings Pixel’s Zero shutter lag (ZSL) feature to Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P in HDR+ Auto shooting mode. This is a standalone camera app that you can install on your phone just like any APK file.



Keep in mind, the Camera NX V4 app is not available at Play store. You need to install the app manually by downloading its APK. In our test, the app worked well with Nexus 5X running on Android 7.1.1 DP1, but not free from bugs. Interested users can read more about this camera app at development page here.

The Camera NX V4 app utilizes Google Pixel’s implements for zero shutter lag. You can continuously capture HDR shots with your Nexus 5X or 6P. The app process HDR in the background, thus making the camera feel considerably faster, just like in Pixel.

How to get Pixel’s ZSL (zero shutter lag) on Nexus 5X & Nexus 6P

1. Download Camera NX V4 apk for Nexus 5X [HERE] and Nexus 6P [HERE] [Development page] to your device

2. Enable ‘Unknown Sources’ option in phone Settings > Security

3. Install Camera NX V4 APK by just like any APK

You are ready to use Pixel’s ZSL feature on your Nexus 5X or Nexus 6P. (source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.