The recent hype Pokémon Go game had shown that augmented reality (AR) can be really great, but to get most out of it your device should have Gyroscope sensor built-in. Most AR apps use a phone’s gyroscope sensor, but unfortunately most low to mid-range Android smartphones do not have Gyroscope sensor installed, so augmented reality capabilities severely decreased on these devices. But, don’t worry, you can enable Gyroscope on any Android phone.

With GyroEmu Xposed module, you can simulate Gyroscope on any Android phone, if the phone has built-in Accelerometer and Magnetometer. Thanks to XDA developer Mourdraug, his GyroEmu Xposed module replicates Gyroscope (virtual Gyroscope) by utilizing your phone’s accelerometer and magnetometer.



The Xposed module ‘GyroEmu’ is still in developing stage, so it may not give pure output at present, but the developer is working on it to make a perfect Gyroscope emulator for any Android phone.

Here is how GyroEmu simulate Gyroscope on an Android phone:

“Module works by creating new Sensor instance and injecting it into SystemSensorManager sensor list after its constructor, so getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE) will return it.

Module registers then SensorEventListeners for accel and magnet sensors and does it’s calculations on accelerometers update and calls onSensorChanged of listener that uses it’.

You can follow the development of this app at here and if you would like to tryout this Xposed module, download its APK [HERE], install it and activate in Xposed Framework. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.