If you are looking for a reliable way to on/off your Android phone’s screen without touching the power button or home button, then the free app AirOn might be a good choice. There are several similar apps on Play store, but AirOn is a far more complete app and does it job neatly on any phone that has a proximity sensor.

AirOn lets you on/off your phone’s screen via a simple hand gesture. All you need to wave your hand over your phone’s screen. This hand gesture can be used in many instances. For example, when the power button became damaged or if it is hard to reach, looks for the current time without physically touching the phone



AirOn is a small application that can use if you want to on/off your phone’s screen without physically touching any button and through a simple hand gesture. The gesture can be fully customizable (pro version) to avoid any accidental switching. For example, you can configure the gesture for one move, twice or more.

The app also provide some useful other functions such as options to exclude apps running in the background when the screen is off, users with flip-cover can make sure they turned on/off it. As well as, the pro-version can talk to you the current time when you switch on the screen using hand gesture and adjust the vibration strength when turn on/off the screen.

How to use the app?: Usage and setting up the app is self-explanatory. All you need to install the app, run it and when asking enable the service. Each option gives detailed description, so anyone can easily set up and use the app.

From our tests, AirOn always brings a reliable result. If you come across any issue, make sure that there are no other similar functions already enabled on the phone. Above all, the app will not compromise the battery life. You can download the app from Play store [HERE]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.