Apparently, Google’s new Google+ social network has more security, but like any other social networking sites, you need to ensure that the information you put on it cannot be collected to put yourself or anyone you know in danger. Here are six steps to keep your privacy secure on Google Plus.



1. Setting up Circles:

Google+ Circles allow you to create and share information with groups of friends just as you have in your real life social circles. Once these circles are created, it is safe to >privately share information with your circle of friends.

2. Lock down Your Profile:

By default, most of your profile is visible to anyone on the web. Unless you want to share all your information with the world, then you will want to change these settings so only your circle can view it.

3. Restricting Search Visibility:

By default, your profile will appear in Google search results. You can change your visibility under your profile settings at anytime you don’t want Google or other search engines to index your profile.

4. Locking Down Other Privacy Settings:

There are a variety of privacy related settings that are not obvious at first glance. These includes:
1. Limit who can see other people in your circles,
2. Limit who can send you email,
3. Block a user.

5. Streaming to the Appropriate Circles:

When creating a new post, you have the option to select the circles with whom you want to share the information. Additionally, by default, Google+ will remember the groups you specified in your most recent post and use those same groups in your next post.

6. Remember Your Post Can Appear as Public:

When you comment on other friends’ posts, their privacy settings may be set so anyone can see when someone comments on their posts. Therefore, your comments may be out in the open.

[Via – Zonealarm]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Tips good for safeguarding our privacy from other Google users, but not from Google.

    If its Google you have no way that you can escape their tracking, they track our every move From Chrome browser to Google search, Gmail and all of their products, The famous Google toilet video shows it all.

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