The easiest and most common way for malware to enter a system is through the browser. Security leaks make it easy for hackers – especially if you are surfing with an old version, you are an easy target.

Because of this, browser developers have always trying to give best security features to their browser. But which one is the most secure – IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Opera?


Here is a new browser security test by NSSLabs (Feb 2010) comparing IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.

The comparative test result called ‘Web Browser Security – Socially Engineered Malware Protection’ shows that IE8 catches the most malware, and that Opera catches nothing.most-secure-browser

NSS Labs is the leading independent security product testing and certification organization. But there are some questions regarding their test. You can read more about it at: or at:

However, in my belief, this study only tested one aspect of browser’s security – the built-in Anti-Malware & Phishing filters. I think IE8’s Smart Screen filter feature makes it a more secure browser.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Yes, in my belief no browser is free from vulnerability and I think there is no ultimate super technique to stop this.

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