Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Home Tags Google Public DNS

Tag: Google Public DNS

Speed Up the Web in Android by Changing DNS Server

You may know how to change DNS server in your computer. Changing your DNS server to either OpenDNS or Google Public DNS can help prevent browsing bottleneck and display pages more quickly. However, changing...

Change the DNS servers in Windows XP, Vista and 7 on the fly

If you are a regular blog reader, you've probably heard about free public DNS servers such as Open DNS, Google Public DNS, Norton DNS and OpenDNS Family Shield and may know what they are. The...

Faster and safer browsing with Norton DNS

The popular security software developer Norton has introduced a new, free DNS service, which offers faster, safer and more reliable internet browsing. Norton DNS is similar to Google Public DNS, OpenDNS and ComodoDNS and you...

Namebench gives a faster internet experience

To get a faster internet browsing, one of the best ways is configuring your PC to a fastest DNS Server. There are several free to use nameservers like Google Public DNS, Open DNS and...

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