Google unveiled the next Android operating system code named ‘Android N’ at the Google I/O 2016. The developer preview of the Android N has already been available for testing. Followed the announcement, HTC has confirmed a list of phones getting the Android N update. The first list includes HTC’s just launched HTC 10, HTC One M9 and HTC One A9.

It is expected that Google will release the Android N (Google yet to reveal the name for the letter “N”) along with next generation Nexus devices (successor of Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X) at the end of this year (most probably in October 2016).



Though no mention about the ETA (expected time of arrival), newest phones, such as HTC 10, HTC One M9 and HTC One A9 might receive the Android N update after it has been shipped to OEMs later this year.

Android N comes with a handful of new features. Multi-window, Direct reply notifications, Google Assistant, Clear All, Improved file browser, Improved Doze, Instant Apps, Seamless software updates, App switch, VR mode, bundled notifications, Data saver, Extra power efficiency, new emojis, etc. are some of the new features of Android N (source).

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.