Android Q Beta 2 is now available with new Bubbles feature, stability improvements, bug fixes, API updates and April 2019 security patches. Android Q Beta 2 factory images and over the air update download is live now. You can download and test new features of this beta update on all Google Pixel phones or via Android Emulator, if you don’t have a Pixel phone.

The “Bubbles” is a significant feature of Android Q Beta 2. This new and advanced multi-tasking feature allows users to interact with app notifications quickly, easily while using other apps. Google’s Bubbles is more or like Facebook Messenger’s floating bubbles. If you want to message someone while using other apps, just need to tap the bubble.



Not just for messaging, you can use Bubbles for many other uses as well, for example, to write down notes during a phone call.


Below is some of the new features of Android Q Beta 2

– New iOS like navigation gesture bar, which is an experimental feature
– Volume channel control menu that pop up when pressing the volume buttons
– New battery icon in the status bar
– Removes notch shape and rounded corners from screenshots
– Better sharing menu with more details that popup at the center of the screen
– Seekable progress bar for music and YouTube notifications
– New Scoped Storage limits how apps can access files
– Settings for notifications swipe gesture (right/left swipe to clear or show notification)
– Other features, bug fixes and optimizations – see here

Android Q Beta 2 (build QPP2.190228.021) factory images and OTA update files are available for download for all Pixel devices. Users running on Android Q Beta 1 will get the update over the air. Other interested users can download the system images and flash manually.

Download and Install Android Q Beta 2

Android Q Beta is meant for app developers. Consumers need to wait for the release through the Android beta program. However, factory images and OTA are now available for download, which you can flash manually on supported devices.


Pixel (sailfish) – OTA | Factory images
Pixel XL (marlin) – OTA | Factory images
Pixel 2 (walleye) – OTA | Factory images
Pixel 2 XL (taimen) – OTA | Factory images
Pixel 3 (blueline) – OTA | Factory images
Pixel 3 XL (crosshatch) – OTA | Factory images

Android Q Beta Installation Guide: After downloading required file, follow this detailed installation guide. The guide covers both OTA and factory images installation procedures.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.