Google released the Android N Developer Preview 4 (build number NPD56N) for supported devices with some significant changes and fixes. If you are signed up for the Android beta program, you will get the OTA update on all supported devices, such as Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C, General Mobile 4G (Android One), Sony Xperia Z3 (D6603 and D6653).

The fourth Android N Developer Preview brings some major changes, including the final API level 24 for the upcoming Android N platform. It means developers can now publish Android N apps with API level 24 supports on the Play Store in alpha, beta and production release channels.



Below are the some of the new changes of Android N Developer Preview 4

1. In previous versions of Android, an app activates with all of its locale resources loaded before locale negotiation begins. Starting in Android N DP4, the system negotiates resource locales individually for each resource object before the app activates.

2. As announced at Developer Preview 3, the Launcher Shortcuts feature postponed to a later release of Android. In Developer Preview 4, the Launcher Shortcuts APIs have been removed.

3. In DP4, applications will be stopped from starting and stopping scans more than 5 times in 30 seconds. Long running scans will be converted to opportunistic scans.

4. The Multi-Window and Width attributes have been renamed.

You can see all the new changes, known issues, bug fixes and features of Android N Developer Preview 4 (NPD56N) update in this page.

This is the second final preview build of Android N and the remaining one preview will be released in July. The final release of the Android N not yet confirmed; most probably, it would be in October.

Download and Installation Instruction

If you have opted for Android Beta program, you will get the OTA (over the air) for the new update. New users can download the Android N DP4 factory image [HERE] and flash it manually. Refer this guide for factory image installation instruction.

To know how to install Android N Developer Preview on Sony Xperia Z3, refer this guide.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.