Google Now is an intelligent personal assistant, which is now became an integral part of Android 4.4 KitKat launcher and can be used essentially for all purposes. It is the brilliant way to find out the different things that you can get your Android device to do with your voice if you are starting out. Here is a list of Google Now voice commands that you can use with your Android phone.



Just touch the microphone icon (Moto X users don’t even need to touch anywhere! It is always listening your commands, even in standby mode) and simply say “Ok Google Now” magic word. It will trigger Google Now and then you can ask anything to it.

You can find all the currently available voice commands in the below list. Tap the microphone icon, say the magic words given below and see how it works!

General Commands

  • “Search for [chicken recipes]?”
  • “Say [where is the supermarket] in [Spanish]?”
  • “What is [Schrodinger’s cat]?”
  • “Who invented [the internet]?”
  • “What is the meaning of [life]?”
  • “Who is married to [Ben Affleck]?”
  • “Stock price of [Apple]”
  • “Author of [Game of Thrones]”
  • “How old is [Michael Jordan]?”
  • “Post to Google+ [feeling great]”

Notes & Reminders

  • “Remind me to [buy milk] at [5 PM]”
  • “Remind me [when I get / next time I’m at] [home / work /other location] [to send an email to John]”
  • “Wake me up in [5 hours]”
  • “Note to self: [I parked my car in section D]”
  • “Set alarm for [8 PM]”

Time & Date

  • “What time is it in [Tokyo]?”
  • “When is the sunset [in Chicago (optional)]”
  • ”What is the time zone of [Berlin]”
  • “Time at home”
  • “Create a calendar event: [Dinner in New York] [Saturday at 8 PM]”


  • “Call [Daniel]”
  • “Call [mum / dad / wife / uncle / aunt …]”
  • “Send [email] to Daniel, [Subject: Meeting], [Message: Will be there in 5]”
  • “Send [SMS] to Philipp mobile, don’t forget to buy milk”
  • ”[Contact name]”

Weather Information

  • “Weather”
  • “Is it going to rain [tomorrow / Monday]”
  • “What’s the weather in [Boston]?”
  • “How’s the weather in [Portland] on [Wednesday] going to be?”

Maps & Navigation

  • “Map of [Flagstaff]”
  • “Show me the nearby [restaurant] on map”
  • “Navigate to [Munich] on car”
  • “How far is [Berlin] from [Munich]?”
  • “Directions to [address / business name / other destination]”

Conversions & Calculations

  • “What is the tip for [125] dollars?”
  • “Convert [currency / length …] to [currency / length ...]”
  • “How much is [18] times [48]?”
  • “What is [45] percent of [350]?”
  • “Square root of [81]”
  • “….. equals”

Sports Events

  • “How are [the New York Yankees] doing?”
  • “When is the next [Los Angeles Lakers] game?”
  • “Show me the [Premier League] table”
  • “Did [Bayern Munich] win their last game?”

Flight Information

  • “Flight [AA 125]?”
  • “Flight status of [AA 125]”
  • “Has [LH 210] landed?”
  • “When will [AA 120] land / depart?”

Web Browsing

  • “Go to [Huffington Post]?”
  • “Open []”
  • “Show me []”
  • “Browse to []”


  • “Listen to / play [Intro] by [The XX]?”
  • “YouTube [fail compilation]?”
  • “Who acted in [Ocean’s 11]?”
  • “Who is the producer of [Gladiator]?”
  • “When was [Alien] released?”
  • “Runtime of [Avatar]”
  • “Listen to TV”
  • “What’s this song?”

Easter Eggs

  • “Do a barrel roll”
  • “What’s the loneliest number?”
  • “Make me a sandwich!”
  • “Sudo make me a sandwich!”
  • “When am I?”
  • “Okay Jarvis, …” (Instead of “Okay Google, …”)
  • “Who are you?”
  • “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
  • “Beam me up, Scotty!”
  • “Tilt” or “Askew”
  • “What is your favorite color?”
  • “Up up down down left right left right”
  • “Tea, Earl Grey, hot” (That’s a tricky one)
  • “Go go gadget [app name]”
  • “When does the narwhal bacon?”
  • “What is the Bacon number of [random actor]?”
  • “What does the fox say?”

How to Speed up Google Now

Hope you will enjoy the commands! Now, want to speed up your Google Now? Head over to this tutorial, follow instruction and see how it is working.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.