Honeycomb (Android 3.0) is the latest version of Android mobile operating system, which brings several new and exciting features for users. Google has redesigned its UI completely. Now it has sleeker interface, redesigned home screen widget, a nice looking clock widget, etc. If you like, you can now install the same Honeycomb clock widget on any Android device using a themed One More Clock Collection widget.
The Honeycomb skin for One More Clock widget developed by XDA member Nemuro is very easy to install and free. The skin looks very similar to the original widget, but only works with a specific version of One More Clock.

To download One More Clock and Honeycomb skin for One More Clock visit at this XDA Forum link. Then,

  1. Install One More Clock v120_0127FREE.apk (works only the attached version)
  2. Extract the attached HoneycombLook.zip to the SD card, into the OMC Folder. That is where every theme should have its folder and no other subfolders.
  3. Go back to OMC, under “set widget theme” reload the theme catalog and choose the theme, and you are off.

(Via XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.