Flipboard, one of the most popular news reading apps on iOS devices, which creates a personalized magazine out of everything being shared on social media and news feed from other websites (who have partnered with Flipboard) and presents it in an aesthetically pleasing magazine format and allows users to “flip” through the content has now available for all Android devices for beta testing.



Recently an Android version of Flipboard was showed up on Samsung’s new Smartphone Galaxy S III, but it was an exclusive app for that device only. However, the developers now invited all android users to test Flipboard, mainly to get bug reports from different kind of Android devices to polish up Flipboard.

Personally, I find Flipboard is very interesting, because it provides a very distinctive way to access information, offers a good user experience as well as its interface is visually appealing.

Interested users can go here and register their email to get a download link for Flipboard for Android. I think it’ll takes around 24 hours to get a download link. [Via]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.