Live wallpaper for your Android phone is cool. It will spice up your home screen with something flashy and interactive, but it is rarely useful for anything other than showing off. However, Device Info Live Wallpaper is something different. Using this, you can use your wallpaper to displays various device information of your phone.

It shows you from internal memory usage to CPU specifications of your device as live wallpaper in a cool way. Below information are displayed on your home screen as live wallpaper.


Date/Time(Digital clock), CPU Usage(with history), Battery remain/temperature/voltage, RAM Usage, Internal Memory Usage, External Memory Usage(SD-Card), Tilt, Compass, Network connection state, Wifi setting information, CPU spec. Device basic information and Platform information.


To activate this live wallpaper, after installation, go to menu (home) -> wallpaper -> live wallpaper -> Device Info Live Wallpaper.

Note that, live wallpaper can drains your battery more quickly. However, this app was designed with consideration for the low-power consumption.

Device Info Live Wallpaper can be downloaded from Play Store.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.