Asus ZenFone 6 (called Asus 6z in India) is certainly a flagship phone for different reasons. The device comes packed with flagship processor Snapdragon 855, Nano-Edge display, and a 48MP main camera + 13MP ultra-wide camera for back and front (motorized). It is available in 6GB/8GB RAM and 128GB/256GB storage options. It also features a massive 5000-mAh battery.

Since the launch, the device received a couple of software updates with improvements, bug fixes and optimizations. The latest update (build number 16.1210.1904.133) for the global ZenFone 6 (ZS630KL) adds Super Night mode on ultra-wide camera and display weather information on the Lock Screen.



Asus starting to roll out the incremental OTA update and update the device to software version 16.1210.1904.133. Recently, the company rolled out an update (build 16.1210.1904.116) for global variant ZenFone 6 with a number of changes, added features and performance improvements. See details here.

What’s new?

1. Enable “Super Night mode” on Ultra-wide camera
2. Get weather displayed on the lock screen

How to download OTA update for Zenfone 6

ASUS ZenFone 6 (ZS630KL) software update (WW_16.1210.1904.133) is available for download. Check for the OTA update on your device by going to Settings > About > System update > Check update. If update available, follow the on screen instruction to execute update.

If you are reasonably techy, go to Asus official website to download the latest firmware and flash manually.

Download latest ZenFone 6 update

– WW_16.1210.1904.133 [directly] [official site]

The above-mentioned file is for ZenFone 6 global variant (WW) only. Do not try to install it on other region variant. For example, it will not work with Russia, Indian and Japan variant.


After downloading the update package to your computer, double click the firmware zip file to see another intact ZIP file inside it. If there is another intact ZIP file, unzip the downloaded firmware zip file.

Now, follow the installation instruction.
[Source – Asus]
