If your Android phone has a decent internet connection and wants to go online via your computer using this connection, here is a quick and very simple solution. It does not require a rooted device; the only things you needed are an Android Phone with Internet connection, a computer, small software PDAnet and a USB Cable for your phone.
Getting started with PDAnet is very simple:

  1. Download and install PDAnet for your Android phone from Android Market (For USB Tethering).
  2. Download and install PDAnet for your computer from here (Windows XP, Vista, and Win7). [If you do not have Internet on PC, you can download PDAnet PC software on your phone after installing PDAnet on it]
  3. Run PDAnet on your Android and then tap ‘Enable USB Tether’ to on the application.
  4. PDAnet-Android

  5. Now connect your Android phone using USB Cable and it will connect to the Internet automatically (if it does not then right click the PDAnet icon in the system tray and click Connect to the Internet).


Note: Free edition of PDAnet limits secure sites. For example, you cannot access secure sites like Gmail. Full edition require $15 to purchase.
PDAnet is also available for other phones such as Blackberry, iPhone and Windows Phone and can also use on Mac OSX.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.