The Razer Phone was launched in November 2017 with good hardware specs and features. Released with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, the device is also developer friendly like Google Pixel and Nexus devices. You can easily unlock Razer Phone’s bootloader, flash TWRP recovery and get root access, install factory image manually and more. If you own this device here is how to unlock its bootloader.

Razer Phone has also released factory images for its device, which means you can flash the firmware manually on your device in critical situations, but it requires unlocked bootloader. As said above, unlocking Razer Phone Bootloader is a very simple process. All you need ADB and Fastboot driver setup on your computer.


How to Unlock Razer Phone Bootloader Officially

The below given guide notes that unlocking bootloader will void your device warranty, so do it at your own risk. Also, make sure to backup all important files, as this process will factory reset your device for security reason.


ADB and fastboot driver setup on your PC
– Ensure at least 50% battery charge remaining on the phone

How to Unlock Razer Phone Bootloader

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only

1. First, enable ‘Developer Options’ menu by going to Settings > About phone > tap Build number 7 times.

2. In ‘Developer Options’, enable OEM unlock and USB Debugging.

3. Switch off the phone, press and hold the Volume Down to boot into ‘Download Mode’.

4. Connect the phone to your PC, go to the ADB installation folder and open a command window from there.

5. Now, decide if you want to do a standard unlock or critical unlock. [Critical unlock allows flashing bootloader files directly, otherwise you will end up with errors].

6. Depending on your needs, execute the below command:

fastboot flashing unlock

fastboot flashing unlock_critical

7. Follow the prompts on your device, and then reboot.

Finally, check unlock status of your device by issuing the command ‘fastboot oem device-info’. If the device is unlocked you will get ‘true’.

How to Lock the Bootloader on Razer Phone/h4>

Locking the bootloader is recommended for security reasons. Some applications will not work with an unlocked bootloader.

1. Boot your phone into Download Mode, and then connect it to your PC (do not forget to enable OEM Unlock and USB Debugging options in Developer Options menu).

2. Open a command window inside the ADB installation folder and lock the critical partitions of the Bootloader first by running this command:

fastboot flashing lock_critical

3. Follow the prompts on your device, and then reboot.

3. After rebooting the phone, lock the remaining of the bootloader with this command:

fastboot flashing lock

Follow the prompts on your device, and then reboot. (source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.