Android users looking for installing custom ROMs or powerful software packages needs root access on their device, but the rooting process differs from one device to the next, although there are a number of one-click toolkits that make the job a whole lot easier. If you couldn’t a find suitable method for rooting your device, you can try Bin4ry – a universal root method that supports almost all ICS or Jelly Bean powered Android phone and tablets with ADB restore function.

Keep in mind that, though the root process itself is relatively simple, it will void your device warranty and will not get OTA update. For newbies, it will be a difficult process so not recommended; however, once you know what you are doing, it would be easy.


There are many different types of universal rooting programs available and almost all of them are easy to use. Bin4ry rooting method is one such a program, which has an official support page over at the XDA Developer’s forum, and very easy to use.

Root Any ICS or Jelly Bean Android Phone and Tablet Using Bin4ry

– Download the Bin4ry (Root_with_restore_by_Bin4ry_vXX package) from the source link given at the end of this post.

– Extract the content using any Zip archiver, for instance 7Zip.

– Enable USB debugging on your phone or tablet by going to Settings -Development options – USB debugging, or Settings – Applications – Development – USB debugging.

– Make sure drivers for your device should be installed on your Windows PC. It’s very important! [See how to find and install driver for your device]

– Now, connect your phone or tablet to your PC using USB cable.

– Now, go to the directory where you extracted the Bin4ry program and double click on “RunMe.bat” file.

– It’ll open a command prompt window. Select the right option. For many devices, it is option 1, so type 1.

(The other options aren’t recommended unless you have a specific need or a special device that doesn’t work with the standard root method, for instance Sony Xperia devices)


– The software will now connect to your device and will reboot when finished. If nothing happens, check proper driver installed on your PC for your device.

Note: Keep in mind that the Bin4ry method may not work for everyone. Check if your device is actually rooted using apps like Root Checker.

Once rooted, install a custom Recovery, for instance ClockworkMod Recovery and enjoy full root experience by installing apps that requires root access and custom ROMs. [source]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.