Firefox browser has been updated to version 15 with a number of performance enhancements and features including, new optimization technology to lower browser’s memory footprint significantly, full support for background updates, support for compressed textures for 3D gaming, and much more. A new feature of Firefox 15 is its “In Content Preferences” interface, which is a replacement for Firefox’s old Options window. In Firefox 15, this feature is disabled by default; here is how to enable it.
In Content Preferences is a replacement for the Firefox’s Options window. If enabled, the Options window will open in new tab interface as shown above. Interested users can enable it from Firefox’s about:config page.

How to enable the new In Content Preferences Interface in Firefox 15


Open Firefox browser, type about:config in the address bar and hit Enter. Accept the warning by clicking “I’ll be careful I Promise” warning button.

Now start typing “browser.preferences.inContent” (without quote) in the search box to find it. Its default value is ‘false’. Make its value ‘true” by double clicking it.


Note: You can always revert the changes by making its default value ‘false’ by double clicking it again.

Close the about:config tab and check the new In Content Preferences interface by going to Firefox – Options (or by clicking the Settings menu from Firefox’s start page). Now, instead of opening in a new window, it’ll open in a new tab interface from where you can make changes to your Firefox.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Firefox’s new options window looks cool, but little inconvenient (at least for me). That is what I am feeling.

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