Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro is a budget smartphone with flagship level camera. The company offers 48MP + 5MP AI dual rear camera, Snapdragon 675 octa-core processor, 6.3-inches FHD+ dot notch display, 128GB/6GB RAM, 64GB/4GB RAM, and 4000mAh battery at a very reasonable price. Launched with MIUI 10 (Android Pie), Redmi Note 7 Pro gets new MIUI update in the stable channel.

The new MIUI Global stable update for the Redmi Note 7 Pro brings system-wide dark theme, new charging animation on the lock screen, and May 2019 security patches. As usual, the latest update integrates general bug fixes and optimizations to ensure better performance on the device.


Redmi-Note-7-Pro- update

Many Redmi Note 7 Pro users are starts receiving the incremental OTA update, which weighs around 237MP. To download the OTA update, launch the Updater app on your phone and tap on Check for updates. If the update found, tap on “Install” to download the OTA update.

In case you want to install the update manually, for example, you cannot wait for the OTA, download the full ROM (1.7GB) from the below link and install it manually on the phone.


MIUI Global Stable ROMRecovery / Fastboot (coming)


You can install the latest software update on your Redmi Note 7 Pro in three ways. The first two methods (Updater and Recovery methods) are rather simple and need to download the Recovery ROM. The third method is rather complicated and wipes user data from the phone, so we do not recommend it.

All three installation methods are given in this post. Download the firmware and then check the guide. If you installed TWRP recovery on your phone, you can install the recovery ROM via TWRP.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.