We can’t say when will get Android 4.4 KitKat update on Galaxy S4. It will take months or year, however, if you have keen interest on this new KitKat OS and want to try right on your Galaxy S4, the easiest way is by flashing custom ROM. Here is how to update Galaxy S4 to Android 4.4 KitKat with an unofficial build of CyanogenMod 11.

CM 11 KitKat


You can enjoy all goodies of Android 4.4 KitKat like transparent system bars on your Galaxy S4 by flashing unofficial build of CyanogenMod 11 (Android 4.4). However, keep in mind that this is a preliminary build, so may not work as expected.

Note: Currently, HDR, Green lines on Front Camera, WiDi of Galaxy S4 won’t work with this ROM (Full changelog available here).

Disclaimer: Follow these instructions carefully. Do it at your own responsibility. We can’t take responsibility for anything that goes wrong.


1. Download and transfer CM 11 ROM zip file and the Gapps zip file to your phone’s SD card (download link at the bottom of this post).

2. Switch off your phone and boot into recovery mode by pressing and holding the Home + Volume Up + Power buttons.

3. From recovery, wipe data and cache partitions of your device

4. Now, select “install zip from sd card”, and choose the CM 11 ROM zip file.

Once installation completes, reboot your phone.

Install Google apps (Gapps)

1. Boot Galaxy S4 into recovery mode

2. Now, Select “install zip from sd card” and choose the Gapps zip file.

3. Once the installation finishes, reboot your phone and enjoy Android 4.4!

You can get more details (changelog, bugs and fixes) and download from XDA.

Any doubt, feel free to ask us. We hope our guide is easy to use. Please leave us feedback through comment box below.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.