Most often many people find it difficult to uninstall antivirus programs properly from their PC. I think this is especially true with latest operating system Windows 7.

Main cause is that antivirus programs are tightly integrated with the operating system; a normal uninstallation some times failed or left registry entries in the system. Therefore a re-installation or installing another antivirus program will not possible.


Ok that, if you find any difficulty in uninstalling the Microsoft Security Essential (MSE) from your PC (for a fresh installation or for installing another antivirus program) here is how you can do that.MSE-cleanup-tool

Download this cleanup tool from Microsoft: (this tool is for OneCare but works with MSE also). After the tool runs if it prompts for a reboot please do so.

If you still have problem there is another method. Please visit here for details.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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