Huawei P30 and P30 Pro were launched a couple of weeks back under the premium category. The phone features AMOLED acoustic display, so turning on the Dark mode will extend the battery life on it, and it is easy on the eyes at night. Here is how to enable dark mode on the Huawei P30/P30 Pro.

Many OEMs and app developers start integrating dark mode/dark theme on their products. We are expecting that the upcoming Android Q will also feature a system-wide dark theme. As said above, the dark interface is ideal for battery life on phones with AMOLED display, and brings distraction free experience at night.



There is an option dubbed “darken interface colors” on Huawei P30 and P30 Pro. This mode will turn the white background into black. Here is how to turn it on.

How to turn on Huawei P30/30 Pro dark mode

1. Unlock the phone and then open the settings menu.

2. In the menu, select Battery and then turn on the option “Darken Interface Colors”

3. You are done!

You can always go back to the default white theme by turning off the Darken Interface Colors.

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If you love dark interface on your Huawei or Honor phone, then you can bring Android Q’s dark mode on it. Read more about on this post. It works on any phone runs EMUI version 5, 8 and 9. It means, Huawei P30/P30 Pro users can also try it on their phone.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.