NokiaNokia has launched two new free awesome games for Nokia mobile phones on the Ovi Store. Created by Revo, (the creator of the popular Angry Birds game), these games, titled Bounce Boing Battle (arcade) and Ovi Maps Challenge (trivia) lets you have a new fun experience on your phone.

Bounce Boing Battle is a “fast-paced duel game where you get to confront your friends on 4 different battle fields with 2 devices and a single ball. Each of the 4 levels in the game includes unique features that make it a colorful and exciting experience”.


Ovi Maps Challenge is a “map-based geography trivia game where in you can take part in lot of quizzes and then collect stamps in your virtual passport while hopping across different continents”

Download Bounce Boing Battle and Ovi Maps Challenge at Ovi Store [via]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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