WhatsApp users can now enjoy more features on their favorite messaging app. The newest version of WhatsApp (v2.12.197) has added features such as custom notification for each contacts and groups, low data usage for its calling feature, do not disturb (mute) feature for contacts, mark as unread option and other features.

The first noticeable change in this release (WhatsApp v2.12.197) is the new notification system. Now it is fully customizable for each contact and group. You can choose different ringtones, pattern of vibration and even the LED notification color for each contact and group. You can see this option under group info or individual contact info.



Do Not Disturb: Do not disturb (mute) for each contact is another useful feature. You can mute a contact for 8Hrs, 1 week or 1 year. You can see this option under the contact info or profile page.

Mark as Unread: Another interesting feature is ‘Mark as unread’, which lets you mark a conversation as unread. This will help you remember a conversation later. You can do this by long pressing a contact or group under the Chats tab.

Low data usage: If you are using WhatsApp calling feature, Low data usage option reduce you mobile data usage, however at the cost of voice quality. You can see this option under Settings -> Chats and Calls.

Interested users can download and install latest version of WhatsApp (v2.12.197) for official site [HERE] or [HERE]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.