The first cloud-based Android smartphone, Nextbit Robin have grabbed a good attention since its launch for its unique design, 100GB of lifetime free cloud storage, top-tier specs, premium quality and mid-range price. Also, the phone comes with some well-polished apps. For example, the camera app brings full manual shooting mode, launcher and gallery apps have some uniqueness like blur effect.

If you would like to try Nextbit Robin’s Launcher, Camera and Gallery app on any of your phone, an XDA contributor Ninnix96 has ported these apps, which will work on any Android phone running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above. Installing and setting up these apps are very simple, and we will show you how to do it in the below steps.



Installing Nextbit Robin’s Launcher, Camera and Gallery app on other phones is very simple. All you need to download the APK files and install them just like any app.

How to install Nextbit Robin’s Launcher, Camera and Gallery app on Other Phones

1. Download Nextbit Robin’s Launcher, Camera and Gallery app apk [HERE]

2. Before installing the apk, make sure that you have enabled ‘Unknown sources’ option in the security settings menu (Settings > Security > Unknown Sources).

3. Tap the apk you want to install

Note that, once the Launcher app installed, enable it when asking and then restart your phone.
One of the best features of Robin’s camera app is its manual camera mode. It lets you adjust exposure, white balance, and ISO parameters which means you can capture good shots with this app. While, the launcher and gallery apps have simple interface and features blurred background, background animation, etc. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.