For some reasons you might want to know one of your WhatsApp contact’s last seen status. Though WhatsApp provides an option to disable this feature for privacy reasons, WhatsDog Android app can do that for you even if your contact disabled the last seen option or blocked you.

WhatsDog is a small utility that you can install from Play Store. The sole purpose of this program is to know when your WhatsApp contact appeared online and keep track of his or her activities. It does not mind if your contact has an iPhone or he/she blocked you.


The application is easy to use. Once installed, open it and tap the ‘Start’ button. Select the contact that you want to monitor from the list. That’s it. The app will start monitoring now onwards.


It shows you a list of the connections and logouts hours to WhatsApp of that contact. Also, you will be able to track everything using the calendar option.

To change the contact you want to monitor, tap Settings, then ‘Erase data off’ button and then add a new contact.

The trial version can be downloaded from the Play Store.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.