A most attractive feature of Asus’s latest flagship ZenFone 6 (Asus 6z in India) is the motorized flip-up camera that works as the main camera and selfie camera. The phone features a dual camera setup (48MP main camera + 13MP ultra-wide) that can produce good shots using various camera modes like HDR+ Enhanced, Super Night mode, motion-tracking video recording, super stable 4K 60fps video recording with EIS and more.

Google camera app, perhaps the best camera app available for Android smartphones, is available for Asus ZenFone 6 (Asus 6z). GCam Mod developers are starts developing latest Google camera port for the device and the latest version of GCam 6.2 APK is available for download. Users can install the APK on their device and enjoy even better photos with Google’s Night Sight, HDR+ Enhanced, RAW and more.



Asus recently released an update for ZenFone 6 (Asus 6z) (build number 16.1210.1904.115) with new camera features and improvements. The update adds Night mode on selfie, improvements for Super Night Mode, HDR+ Enhanced mode (HDR++), volume key to control the flip camera rotation, and camera rotation stability.

Changelogs (16.1210.1904.115)

  • Camera Super Night Mode & HDR+ Enhanced mode (HDR++) performance Improvement on image processing speed and image quality
  • Add volume key functions: to control the flip camera rotation; set the volume key as “Shutter, Zoom, Flip camera” in Asus Camera’s settings manually.
  • Use smart key as shutter to take pictures in Camera mode.
  • Improve camera rotation stability
  • Enable “Night mode” on selfie.

Download Google Camera 6.2 APK for Asus zenFone 6 (6z)

– Download GCam Mod 6.2 APK (Gcam_6.2.030_Advanced_V2.1beta9.190612.0433.apk)

Google Camera Port hubs

Users can install Google Camera 6.2 Mod port (GCam 6.2) on their ZenFone 6 as the normal APK file. It does not require any modification or root on the phone. The above mentioned files are the beta version, so it won’t work as expected. You may experience bugs and lags while using the camera.

The latest Google Camera 6.2 brings several features to users. Night sight, top shot, slow motion 240 FPS (1080p), photo-booth, motion auto focus, RAW support, new panorama UI, portrait mode, AR stickers, Super Res Zoom, ZSL HDR+, HDR+ Enhanced, Video recording up to 4K 30FPS, Photosphere, Selfie flash, AI kissing and mute shutter sound are the best features. However, not all features are available on a GCam port.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.