Here is a useful and simple to use program for listing the names of all files and folders of a big folder into a .txt file.

This is especially helpful when you create a list of contents from a huge folder. (For example list of all image file or music file, etc)Content-lister


To use this tool, just download and extract it, put the .exe file into the folder you want listed and run it. A .txt file is now created within that particular folder with all the names listed in alphabetical order.

Content Lister is clean ( check it here) and works with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. You can download it from here.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Wow! Nice really nice, I have a lot of artwork ad this could definitely help me list them! Finally! :p

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