Microsoft Windows XP operating system was released on October 25, 2001 and it became widely popular for both home and business use due to its stability and compatibility with a wide range of software. Support for Windows XP officially ended in April 2014, but it remains notable for its long-lasting impact on the computing landscape.

Download Windows XP 32-bit/64-bit ISO File

The key benefits of Windows XP include its streamlined interface, excellent performance on low-spec hardware, and strong compatibility with a wide range of legacy software and retro games specifically designed for the operating system.


If you’re eager to restore Windows XP on your desktop but have missed the opportunity to obtain the ISO file, you can download Windows XP ISO files (both 32-bit and 64-bit) from reputable third-party sources such as

Download Windows XP ISO Files (Direct Links)

Windows XP Version (Standard) – English (3.1 GB) 32-Bit – (Download)
Windows XP Version (Standard) – English (3.1 GB) 64-Bit – (Download)
Windows XP Professional 64-bit Corporate Edition – English (3.2 GB) 64 Bit – (Download)

Keep in mind that while using Windows XP can be nostalgic and beneficial for running legacy applications, it is important to consider the security risks associated with using an outdated operating system. Ensure that you have proper security measures in place, such as a reliable antivirus program and a firewall, to protect your system from potential vulnerabilities.

How to Create Bootable Windows XP Bootable Disk

1. First, download the Rufus application from its official website to your PC. Next, connect your USB drive to the computer to create a bootable Windows XP disk.

2. Launch Rufus, and under the “Boot selection” section, click on “Select” to choose the Windows XP ISO file that you extracted earlier.

3. For the “Format Options,” you can leave the settings at their defaults.

4. Ensure that the file system is set to NTFS and the cluster size is set to 4096 bytes, which are the default values.

5. After that, scroll down and click the “Start” button to begin creating the bootable drive.

Once the process is complete, you can safely unplug the USB drive and use it to install Windows XP on multiple devices.

How to Install Windows XP on Your Computer

System Requirements:

  • Processor (CPU): Minimum 233 MHz or higher (300 MHz recommended)
  • RAM: 64 MB (128 MB or more recommended)
  • Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free space
  • Graphics: Super VGA (800 x 600 resolution)

Once you have prepared the necessary requirements and created a bootable disk, you can proceed to install Windows XP on your computer.

1. Restart your device and access the Boot menu. You should see the option for your Windows XP installation. If it doesn’t appear, make sure you have selected the legacy boot option in the BIOS settings.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows XP. After the installation begins, you will have the opportunity to configure settings such as language, region, date, time, and keyboard layout. You can either customize these settings or stick with the default options.

3. When prompted, enter your Windows XP CD key to complete the setup. Please note that you will need a valid Windows XP CD key for the installation. While you may find free keys on platforms like GitHub and Scribd, remember to use them solely for educational purposes.

Since Windows XP is no longer officially supported, these keys are intended for testing and educational use only, and they may not function as expected.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.