You can now officially set ChatGPT as your default voice assistant on Android. Previously, this required the VoiceGPT plugin, but the latest update allows you to bypass Google Assistant or Gemini and use ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode, which sounds more natural and lifelike.

Here’s how to set ChatGPT as your default assistant on your device. With app version 1.2025.070, the “Default digital assistant app” section in the Settings app now includes ChatGPT as an option for voice assistant. Simply select ChatGPT to make it your default assistant. Once you set you can trigger ChatGPT’s voice mode by long-pressing the power button or using side-swiping or shortcut.


ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode can understand different accents and speaking styles, pick up on things like how fast you’re talking, and respond with appropriate emotion in its voice. Overall, the new advanced voice mode makes ChatGPT sound more human-like and natural when you talk to it out loud.

Set ChatGPT as your default Voice Assistant on Android

How to Set ChatGPT as the Default Voice Assistant on Android

1. First, install or update ChatGPT app to the latest version by going to Google Play Store.

2. Now, open the Settings app on your Android phone and tap Apps.

3. Select the Default Apps option and tap the Digital Assistant app option.

4. Select ChatGPT as your default digital assistant app for your Android phone.

You have now set ChatGPT as your default assistant on your Android phone. You can trigger your new voice chat assistant using the same method you would for Google Assistant or Gemini, like long press the power button, button swipe or shortcut. The voice mode lets you talk back and forth with the assistant using a selected voice model. You can also choose your own language (if supports) to talk with the assistant. All you need to ask the Assistant to talk in your language.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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