In this tutorial, we show you how to disable the Guest accounts option in Android 5 Lollipop. It can be useful, for instance, just in case you do not want your kids to create a separate account (guest account) on their phone, which lets them by-pass security restrictions that you have imposed on their phone as an administrator.

A private feature of Android 5 Lollipop is the system-level guest mode that lets you create guest accounts on your phone. The guest account does not have any of your personal data such as messages, installed apps or preferences. The guest account makes it easy to share your phone with your friends and family members. Also, it can be useful to sign in on someone’s phone if you lose your device.



To enable guest mode on Android 5 Lollipop, just pull down the notifications bar, tap your avatar twice, and then tap Add guest option. Your phone will now switch to guest mode. However, the guest mode has few shortcomings as pointed out in the first paragraph.

To disable guest account option on your phone required root access on it. If your phone is rooted and running on Android 5 Lollipop, follow the instruction given below.

Warning: The following method is highly risky, as it employs editing system file. Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Install ES File Explorer [HERE] from Play store.

2. Also, install any Root Capable SQLLite Editor. For instance, SQLite Editor [Download Here] that is a paid app.

3. Now, remove any existing guest account (extra accounts) from your phone (tap on the user icon on the top to get remove option).

4. Open ES File Explorer, enable Root Explorer and then navigate to system/build.prop and open the build.prop file with ES Note Editor.

5. Add the following line to the end of the build:prop file


6. Save the file and exit.

7. Now, with the SQLLite editor, go to /data/data/ and open the "Global" table.

8. Navigate to the entry


and edit the entry to change the value to “0”.

9. Save your editing and exit.

10. Finally, reboot your phone

Now,  the “User Accounts” option is no longer available on your phone, so that the guest account cannot be used (Source – Reddit)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Do you have a method for eliminating the guest account while maintaining multi-user access? I have a tablet running Marshmallow that I use for multiple employees. I have each of the 8 user accounts locked down with an AppLock, but I can’t prevent them from creating the Guest Account and having free reign. I rooted the device and edited the build.prop for Guest_User_Enabled to equal 0, hoping that would do the trick, but it did not work. If I change the fw.max_users value to 1, then it kills all the user accounts except the Owner account. Any fix for killing guest mode but retaining the multi-user function?!?

    Thank you so much for your article 🙂

  2. Getting root access depend on device make and model. Just Google or got XDA forum to find a suitable method

  3. When trying to enable root access it says that feature cannot run on my device. How do I get access?

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