All hardware such as motherboard, graphics card, sound card, and the like requires appropriate drivers for proper working.

To reinstall an operating system, you required appropriate drivers. But, if you don’t have a backup of all devices drivers or don’t get appropriate drivers from internet, here is a simple solution.


The freeware utility Driver Backup allows you to backup all device drivers. You can use this tool to save drivers from Windows 7, Vista and XP to hard disk or CD/DVD.

Here is how to use this portable utility. Unzip and run it (required .NET Frame work), it will list all drivers – OEM, Third party. To back up, click on ‘Start Backup’ button and select a path to back up. You can restore this using ‘Restore’ button.Driverbackup
An interesting aspect of this utility is that, it will allows you to pick a particular driver that is installed on your computer and export it into a folder for re-installation later. Download DriverBackup



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