If your Smartphone keep running out of juice, don’t lose your heart! Here are five very simple, yet very important tips to double your Smartphone’s battery life. Unnecessary use of 3G and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, backlight, third-party apps, and syncing data are main five reasons for battery drain. Read below on how to control all these for better battery management.battery-power



1. Shutting Down Third Party Apps That Run in The Background: Some apps continue to run in the background (especially on Android devices) even if you’ve finished with them. It leads to big battery hogs. You can shut down all background apps in one go with apps like Advanced Task Killer and Battery Saver. Both apps are available for free from Android Market (www.android.com/market).

2. Only Use 3G and Wi-Fi When Needed: With Wi-Fi and 3G, you can browse the web and download data quickly. At the same time, they’re likely to run down your handset’s battery in a few hours if left on constantly. Turning one or both of these off in your phone settings until you need them could double your battery life.

To turn off Wi-Fi and 3G on an iPhone, go to Settings and set Wi-Fi to Off, then go to General – Network and set the Enable 3G slider to Off. On an Android device, go to Settings – Wireless & Networks (or similar) and turn off Wi-Fi and 3G from there.

3. Bluetooth: It is another big power drain so disable that, too, when not in use. If you’re in a low- or no-coverage area, you can use your phone’s Airplane Mode to cut all your connections instantly, although you won’t be able to make or receive calls.

4. Sync Data Less Frequently: Certain mobile apps – particularly those for email and social networking – regularly (or even constantly) check for new data, which can significantly sap your phone’s power. Try changing how frequently these apps sync with their servers.

For example, for the Mail app on an Android phone (HTC); go to Settings, Accounts & sync, turn off the ‘Background data’ option and set the sync frequency for your individual accounts. On iPhone, go to Settings, press the Mail, Contacts, Calendars option, then go to Fetch New Data and tap either Hourly or Manually.

5. Adjust Your Backlight: The brighter your phone’s backlight the more power it consumes. Play around with the brightness settings to dim your screen while maintaining readability. iPhone has an Auto-Brightness option that adjusts the backlight according to your current lighting conditions. For that, Go to Settings, Brightness and set Auto-Brightness to On.  Hope you’ll enjoy this post.

[This is a guest post written by Admin of Apps4mobi.com. If you would like to write for us, please contact us.]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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