Sony starts rolling out Android 7.1.1 Nougat update for Xperia X and Xperia X Compact, which is now available in many regions with June Android security patches. Indian variant Xperia X Dual (F5122) has also starts receiving the Android 7.1.1 Nougat OTA update with build number 34.3.A.0.194. If you have trouble updating your Xperia X Dual to Android 7.1.1 Nougat OTA update, you can update it manually by downloading the firmware (FTF file).

In this guide we show you how to update Indian Xperia X Dual (F5122) to Android 7.1.1 Nougat manually. The new Android 7.1.1 Nougat (build 34.3.A.0.194) update includes various optimizations, general bug fixes and June security patches. If you own Xperia X Dual and did not received the OTA notification, you can download and install the Android 7.1.1 update manually.



The full firmware file (FTF file) for Sony Xperia devices can be downloaded directly from Sony’s servers using the XperiFirm tool. Interested users can download the XperiaFirm tool from XDA [HERE] and download latest version of the FTF firmware file for your device. Do not forget to select correct device and region before downloading.

Alternatively, Android 7.1.1 Nougat firmware FTF file for Xperia X Dual (India generic) can be downloaded from here. Follow the below guide to know how to install FTF file on your device.

Also Read: How to update Xperia XZ and Xperia X Performance to Android 7.1.1

How to Install Android 7.1.1 Nougat Update Manually on Xperia Devices

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. The below guide is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Download Android 7.1.1 Nougat firmware file from above link

2. Download latest version of Sony firmware Flashtool [HERE] and install it on your PC. It will create a folder named Flashtool in your C drive.

3. Enable USB Debugging option on your Xperia phone (Settings -> Developer Options -> USB debugging)

4. Copy the downloaded FTF file to the folder “Firmware” inside the Flashtool folder

5. Now, run the Flashtool, select the FTF file and press OK.

6. Turn off your phone and when Flashtool prompted to connect your device, connect your phone to the PC by pressing Volume Down button on the phone. This will connect the phone in flashmode.

7. Wait for until the update installs and then reboot your phone.

You have now successfully flashed Android 7.1.1 Nougat (build 34.3.A.0.194) firmware on your Xperia X Dual. (Source)
