Telegram offers more privacy and freedom to its users. The auto-delete messages, private chat, and the new disable message forwarding features will help users protect their sensitive information leaking over social media. The latest Disable Message forwarding is a good option for private Telegram channels and groups owners to protect their sensitive contents.

Here is how to prevent message forwarding on Telegram. This feature is available to private channels and groups, and you should be the owner to enable this protection. The new restriction on message forwarding is much better than the auto-delete messages, private chat features.


If you are a private channel or group owner in Telegram, you can use the Disable message forwarding feature to protect your content.

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How to Disable Message Forwarding on Telegram?

1. First, open the Group/Channel info page on Telegram and tap the edit button (pencil icon) at the top-right corner.

2. On the next window, tap on Chanel Type or Group Type, and it should be Private.

3. Next, under Save content, turn on the Restrict saving content option.

4. Now, subscribers cannot forward messages sent in the channel or group.

Disable Message forwarding on Telegram

That is all how to disable the message forwarding feature on Telegram. Note that it works in private groups/channels only and will not be available in public groups/channels.

How to Hide Account Link on Forwarded Messages in Telegram?

The message forward restriction feature is for private group and channels owners only. However, when you share/forward a message in Telegram, there is an option to hide your identity. You can hide your account link from the messages you forward. Here is how to enable this feature.

1. Open the Telegram on your phone, tap on the hamburger menu, and select Settings.

2. Next, select the Privacy and Security option and under privacy settings, select the Forwarded Messages option.

3. On the next screen, choose Nobody and save the settings.

All these features will ensure your privacy on Telegram. The message forwarding feature should help users limit the spread of potentially sensitive information shares on Telegram.

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