The “multi-user profiles” is an Android tablet specific feature (available and Android 4.2 and up) that enables you to set up profiles for multiple users or family members, so you can keep your emails, apps and other data separate from each other. This feature is not available on Android phones, but on rooted phones, there is a way to enable it. Here is how it is.

If you like to have “multi-user profiles” feature on your Android phone, the simplest way is installing an app called “4.2 Multiple User Enabler Root”. This app allows you to enable this feature on rooted phones just with the tap of a button, but only works on Android version 4.2 Jelly Bean.


However, there is an issue; the multi-user profile can only be switched in landscape mode, which means you need to enable lockscreen rotation on your phone. Lockscreen rotation is not available on most ROMs, so you need to force enable it by making a small change in the build.prop file.

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. We can’t take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. This guide is intended for technically talented users only

Warning: Before making changes in the build.prop file make a backup of it.

Get Build Prop Editor from the Play store, launch it and grant root privileges. The ?rst task is to ensure you’ve got a backup of your build.prop ?le, so open the sidebar and tap Create backup. You will also restore it from here should you wish to in future.

Now open the build.prop file. To do so, tap the folder icon and select /system/build.prop.



Now, from the menu select Edit and add the below code anywhere in the file, then save editing.


After saving your editing, reboot your phone. That’s it!

Please note that when others using their profile, no phone calls will receive. When you switch back to your profile, you will see the missed calls (Source 1, 2)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.