Samsung’s web browser ‘Samsung Internet’ Beta is now available for Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel and Nexus devices runs Android Lollipop and up. Interested users can sign up for beta testing the web browser and test out newest features. Yes, Google Chrome still holds its title for being the premier mobile web browser around, however Samsung’s Internet browser is fast, remarkably lightweight, secure, and private and offers some features that the Android default browser Chrome does not.

Samsung Internet Beta version offers various new features such as DuckDuckGo search engine support, Web Payment, CloseBy (Physical Web), Progressive web app, Video assistant, Amazon shopping assistant, 360-degree video support and includes a QR code reader. Though the browser is designed for Samsung devices, the beta version seamlessly works with Google Pixel and Nexus devices too.



The beta version of Samsung Internet supports Web Payment API, which lets you pay for shopping online with Samsung Pay (of course, similar feature is available on Chrome for Android Pay). Moreover, the Amazon Shopping Assistant feature suggests best price when shopping online by comparing products with Amazon. This feature can be turned off.

Another interesting feature of the beta version is 360-degree video support. The beta version can display 360-degree video without Samsung’s Gear VR headset. You can swipe to pan 360 videos to look around. You can find more details at here.

Besides Samsung Galaxy devices, the beta version of Samsung Internet is now available Google Pixel and Nexus devices. If you are interested to try out the browser, go here and sign up for beta testing the browser.

It seems that the browser is not available on all regions, however if you are excited to try the Samsung Internet Beta version, you can download the APK from APK Mirror [HERE] and sideload. (Source – AP)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.