Until recently, it was not possible to customize your Android phone’s navigation bar with custom icons, color and background images without root access. Now it is possible with a simple app called ‘Navbar Apps’. The app lets you customize your phone’s navigation bar without root access. You can change background color, bring color from running app’s color scheme, add background image, add widgets and more.

Navbar Apps is a free download on Play store and it can be used to customize the navigation bar of Android phone running on Android Lollipop and above. No root access is required. However, to unlock certain features, for example to import custom images, you need to purchase the app.


Checkout the installation guide to know how to setup and use Navbar Apps. With this app, you can set custom color for your nav bar, get color schemes of certain apps, add custom widgets, like battery level icons and add background image under nav bar.


Download Navbar Apps from Play store [HERE] and install it. Run the app and it will ask you to enable the app in the accessibility service. You need to enable it to get color scheme for your nav bar from running app. Once done, your navigation bar color will change according to the color scheme of running app.

You can also set your own color for your nav bar. Just tap on the Static color > Settings (cog icon) > and choose desired color.

Also, to set a desired image as your background, tap Image > Settings > and choose desired background image. To add your own images, you need to unlock the app.

Also, you can add custom widgets to your navigation bar. Currently it supports Battery percentage widget only. Just select option and tap on the settings button to customize. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.