Like any battery-powered device, Android phone’s battery lifespan can deteriorate over time. If you own a Samsung Galaxy phone, here is how to check the number of discharge cycles and current battery health. These two pieces of information (discharge cycles and health) can be useful to determine the level of battery deterioration overtime on your Samsung Galaxy phone.

Instead of just showing the percentage of remaining battery charge, Android monitors different aspects of a battery, such as its temperature, voltage, discharge cycles, etc. If your Samsung Galaxy phone (Galaxy S6 and above) is running on the latest software version, then you can view the number of the discharge cycle and the actual maximum capacity of its battery.

Samsung Galaxy S9

Here’s how to check the number of discharge cycles and battery health of Samsung Galaxy phone. Battery discharge cycle and health information are stored in a system file called fg_cycle and fg_ fullcapnom. You can find these files at /sys/class/power_supply/battery directory.

fg_cycle = charging cycle count

fg_ fullcapnom = current battery capacity in mAh

How to check number of battery discharge cycle and health?

To check this, navigate (use a file explorer like ES File Explorer) to the folder /sys/class/power_supply/battery, scroll down to the fg_fullcapnom and fg_cycle and open it in text editor.

You may also like: Experiencing Quick Battery Drain on Your Android Phone, Try This Simple Trick

If this approach is difficult for you, then you can use the Phone Info app (download from the Play Store) to view these two information. The latest version of the app (v3.6.5) shows you ‘battery discharge cycles’ and ‘battery health’ info of your Galaxy phone. You can see this information under the Personal tab.

Keep in mind that, these two information are available for the latest Galaxy phone models only (Galaxy S6 and above). Moreover, the reliability of these information may not always 100% OK.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. Hi!
    Any idea how to get this on a Samsung S20?

    the battery folder can not be opened: “cd: /sys/class/power_supply/battery: Permission denied”.

    Trying to change the enforcing policy is also not possible.

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